Health & Wellness Workshop application

Please fill out the following Health Lecture/Workshop Application with all the details about the event you'd like to hold, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you.

Have you taught classes or lectured previously?   No Yes

Staff of Life can provide the following:
(by prior arrangement only)
- Background Screen
- Demo Table (if not provided by lecturer)
- Chairs
- Electricity
- In store RSVP form
- PA System

Lecturer Responsibility:
- Give-a-Ways/Coupons – provided day of event
- RaffleBasket – provided day of event
- Backdrop
- Demo Table


Will you or your company provide promotional materials?   No Yes

If yes, please ship the following to the Event Coordinator:
- Color flyers
- 11 x 18 color posters
- 37 x 27 laminated color posters
- 4 weeks prior to the event

Staff of Life promotes our events in the store flyer, web site, social media such as Facebook, and submitted for consideration to most local community calendars.

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